Weight Lifting Secrets From Muscle Might.

By Dave Wigwire

Allot of people out there want to increase the muscle size fast or just want to cut the fat and be allot healthier and in shape. Well there is always the healthy diet and the natural nutrition of foods, but allot of people out there don't have the patience to wait for there body to change. They want fast and quick results. Thats where vitamins and supplements come into play. Supplements are gonna significantly increase the muscle growth or the fat loss. If you are just wanting to stay healthy,then your simple vitamin A,B,C,D and E are always gonna be your main factor there. Those vitamins are pretty cheap as well. Im gonna talk more about the body building and recovery supplements here though.

First there are WEIGHT GAINERS or just PROTEIN SHAKES most of these consist of whey protein mainly its concentrate with some isolate to. These are really good to pack on muscle fast. Allot of them also contain creatine in them and also L-glutamine which is really good for putting on muscle fast. They help you get a high amount of quality calories without having to stuff yourself with loads of food. This is one of the best supplements when looking to really build lean muscle mass.

Post workout nutrition: consuming adequate post workout nutrition gives you the opportunity to jump start the muscle rebuilding and growth process. when you finish a workout that is when your muscles are hungriest for macronutrients. This is the time when your muscles can utilize protein and carbohydrates to begin the muscle repair process and growth. Since your muscles are so hungry for proteins and carbohydrates after a workout it is a good idea to consume a protein shake consisting of 40 to 60 grams of whey protein combined with easy to digest carbohydrates in the area of 40 to 100 grams. When you consume this combination of macronutrients post workout they will assist in minimizing the muscle wasting effect of the hormone cortisol.

Nitric Oxide: Nitric oxide is a compound that is facilitated to the use of arginine based products consumed before training. Arginine is an amino acid that facilitates nitric oxide release. Nitric oxide (NO) has an expansionary function which means it facilitates blood flow to the major muscles. Increased blood flow to the muscles promotes muscle recruitment and the repair process thus stimulating growth in muscle mass.

Growth Hormone: Growth hormone is naturally occurring in the body. This hormone helps burn bodyfat, build muscle mass as well as increasing insulin like growth factors. These are hormones that help promote the muscle building process. OUr bodies will naturally release growth hormones primarily while we're trainnig and while we are sleeping. You can augment the release of growth hormone by utilizing or consuming 7 to 10 grams of arginine before bed. It is a good idea to avoid carbs before bedtime as increased glucose in our systems can potentially minimize growth hormone output. - 31525

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