Muscle Building Secrets From Muscle Might!

By Dave Wigwire

In part 1 of this three part series I reviewed 5 important nutrition building muscle mass principles. Part 2 of this series will discuss 5 additional pointers or techniques that you may want to incorporate into the nutritional aspect of your bodybuilding routines. These 5 additional tips include pre-training nutrition, post workout nutrition, nitric oxide, branched chain amino acids and growth hormone.

1. Pre-training nutrition: As discussed in the first article in this series a well proportioned pre-training meal is recommended to give your body a constant supply to give your body the appropriate nutrients it needs to help minimize muscle breakdown as well as give you the energy to help you get through your workouts. However, in some cases eating before working out can cause some individuals to become bloated and lethargic no matter how well they proportion their pre-workout meal. In these cases it is recommended that you substitute a retraining workout meal with a nutritional protein shake. This kind of shake can consist of 20 grams of whey protein and 20 to 40 grams of a fast acting carbohydrate or some variation of that combination. Consuming this type of meal before or during training can help minimize muscle fiber breakdown.

Post workout nutrition: consuming adequate post workout nutrition gives you the opportunity to jump start the muscle rebuilding and growth process. when you finish a workout that is when your muscles are hungriest for macronutrients. This is the time when your muscles can utilize protein and carbohydrates to begin the muscle repair process and growth. Since your muscles are so hungry for proteins and carbohydrates after a workout it is a good idea to consume a protein shake consisting of 40 to 60 grams of whey protein combined with easy to digest carbohydrates in the area of 40 to 100 grams. When you consume this combination of macronutrients post workout they will assist in minimizing the muscle wasting effect of the hormone cortisol.

Next the 3rd main thing is CREATINE. This supplement is a metabolite produced in the body composed of three amino acids, L-methionine,I-arginine and L-grycine. When you are taking the supplement creatine and it reaches your muscles it is then converted into phosphocreatine, which then is used to regenerate your muscles ultimate energy adenosine triphosphate. With this supplement you will be HUGELY increasing your muscle mass growth , because it pushes water inside the muscle cell and enlarging it. By taking CREATINE you will see big results in less then no time.

Not training intensely enough - Intensity is an elusive thing to most newbies because it's hard to understand what intense means. Intensity simply means that you are focused, using adequately heavy weights, are really putting your all into each repetition, and that you are engaged mentally with a "mind/ muscle" connection. Going into the gym and chatting while you lift, or having noodle arms as you hoist a weight up and down will net nothing! REMEDY: Think like a pro bodybuilder might think when he lifts. (Watch one and see what we mean) You'll make incredibly better gains. - 31525

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