How To Work Out Properly From Muscle Might.

By Dave Wigwire

Ahhh...newbies. There's nothing wrong with being a beginner - we all have to start someplace - but being a beginner means that you have to make a lot of mistakes in order to find your groove. And that takes a lot of time.

1. Pre-training nutrition: As discussed in the first article in this series a well proportioned pre-training meal is recommended to give your body a constant supply to give your body the appropriate nutrients it needs to help minimize muscle breakdown as well as give you the energy to help you get through your workouts. However, in some cases eating before working out can cause some individuals to become bloated and lethargic no matter how well they proportion their pre-workout meal. In these cases it is recommended that you substitute a retraining workout meal with a nutritional protein shake. This kind of shake can consist of 20 grams of whey protein and 20 to 40 grams of a fast acting carbohydrate or some variation of that combination. Consuming this type of meal before or during training can help minimize muscle fiber breakdown.

Training too long - It's easy to be enthusiastic in the gym. We've all been there. Once you start to see even the tiniest result, you want to be in there for hours on end trying to force more. But this is a big mistake. Training too long is not only overtraining, it's also draining mentally. Putting yourself in overload mode isn't the way to longevity. Besides, training too long exhausts you for the next workout. REMEDY: Limit yourself to 30 - 45 minutes no matter what. You'll find that you can get everything in you need and you'll walk out having accomplished just enough

Training too often - Training too often is about like training too long. The difference is, training too often means that you never recover. So, in effect, it's almost better to train too long in one session, than to train too often throughout the course of a week. Some newbies think that training 5-6 days a week is okay. We don't! Training that often as a beginner only sets you up for burnout and diminishing results. Once the honeymoon period of quick gains is over, you'll be disappointed with the muscle you end up losing by training too often. REMEDY: Limit yourself to 4 workouts - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday is a great beginner's routine, because it means that you train 2 days on/ 1 day off, then 2 days on/ 2 days off. It's adequate rest and you'll make better gains.

Growth Hormone: Growth hormone is naturally occurring in the body. This hormone helps burn bodyfat, build muscle mass as well as increasing insulin like growth factors. These are hormones that help promote the muscle building process. OUr bodies will naturally release growth hormones primarily while we're trainnig and while we are sleeping. You can augment the release of growth hormone by utilizing or consuming 7 to 10 grams of arginine before bed. It is a good idea to avoid carbs before bedtime as increased glucose in our systems can potentially minimize growth hormone output. - 31525

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